Here are some more links to Catholic sites.
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Angelus Press
Offering books pertaining to the modern errors in the Church.

Baronius Press
Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible, Roman Missal and other books.

Catholic Apologetics
lots of material defending the Catholic Faith.
Note from the editor: Even though apologetics is considered a "dead art," its true calling may be in this modern era, when the Church has to fight others to make the truth stand out. Remember, the Faith is like a lamp that must never go out. We must hold this torch up high for others to see it.

The link above might not work; so I've included another:

Catholic Encyclopedia
complete text online, 1913 version, 15 volumes.
Note from the editor: The Catholic Encyclopedia website is a good place to go if you want to understand a Catholic aspect more. A good apologist should refer to this website often so that he knows what he is apologizing (defending) like the back of his hand. Good apologetics are based on concrete, if you know what I am trying to say.

New Advent is a great website: they include the Catholic Encyclopedia, writings from the early Fathers, and a ton more! They're cool!

Daily Catholic
Traditional Catholic News and Commentary.
Note from the editor: Finally! The best news source available is reachable on the Daily Catholic.

Fish Eaters - Being Catholic
practicing the Catholic religion.

Fatima Website
all about Fatima and how it relates to world events.
Note from the editor: This should prove interesting... The terrible war that Our Lady predicted in 1917 actually did happen under the title World War II. If only more people would listen to her! Then less tragedies would occur.

Gregorian Chant Music on CD's,
recorded at the SSPX seminary.
Note from the editor: Gregorian chant is great for listening to on Sundays.

Loreto Publications
Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible and other books.

Mary Pages
a website about the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Pray Rosary
Rosaries, Crosses, books, music, Catholic Bibles, etc.

Pray The Rosary Web Apostolate
Rosaries, scapulars and other sacramentals.

Regina Martyrum Productions
Some of the finest works of Catholic theatre on cassette and CD.

Scripture Catholic
Scriptural evidence for the Catholic Faith.
Note from the editor: This can also help apologists.

Seattle Catholic
News, articles, links for traditional Catholics.

Society of Saint Pius X
Traditional Roman Catholic Masses and Sacraments.

Traditional Catholic Newsletter signup.